Is this book for programmers? Written specifically for graphic designers and production artists already comfortable working with Adobe InDesign, this book teaches you how to automate publishing without learning a lot of scary code. XML simplifies the process of moving content in and out of your layouts and can speed up any print or Web assignment. Why should I care about XML? If you’re managing data-intensive layout projects, and you want to keep that data consistent, accurate, and up-to-date, then incorporating XML can help. You can also use XML to automate processes like importing text and large numbers of graphics into a layout, or repurposing content from one application to another. Do I need additional plug-ins or special software? You need only the powerful features built into InDesign CS2 or CS3 to use this book. How will I learn XML? This guide includes nine easy-to-follow projects with downloadable support files. With these hands-on tutorials, you will learn XML in context. By the final project, XML will no longer be a mystery, but a powerful tool you can use to support your company or clients.
Contents: 1 What Is XML? 2 InDesign’s XML Features 3 Making XML 4 Structure Basics 5 Anchored O bjects 6 Inline and Anchored Graphics 7 Targeted XML Import 8 Variable Data 9 Exporting XML 10 XML, HTML & CSS 11 Ajax and XSLT 12 What’s up, DocBook (and O ther DTDs)