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Applications Task for the laboratory work. The aim of this work is to show our ability to work with different Microsoft applications & to produce the data exchange between them, using build-in commands, OLE instruments & other possible facilities. In the practical examples we will show the data transfer process using the following Microsoft Applications: FoxPro, Excel & Word. Also it is necessary to present the theory about the data transfer for it is impossible to use all of them in the examples. 2 Theory part. There are several different ways to transfer data from FoxPro to different Microsoft Applications & vice versa. Built-in FoxPro commands. Operator can use several built-in commands of FoxPro such as Export, Import, Copy and Append from. Now we would like to present some helpful information about these operands....
Категория: Рефераты и дипломные роботы | Добавил: Rammstein
Просмотров: 574 | Загрузок: 185 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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